Toker T. Gopherson

Chief Vibes Officer (VCO)

Toker T. Gopherson

Toker T. Gopherson is what his old buddy Carl Spackler calls “a completely different kind of varmint, totally different.” While other gophers are out there dodging plastic explosives at Bushwood Country Club, Toker chose a higher path – literally. Got his degree in Cinderella Story Sciences, with a minor in Total Consciousness (which is nice). Now he’s running The Blazed Burrow, sharing deep thoughts and good vibes from his underground office. The Dalai Lama himself keeps asking for his newsletter.

“They say don’t get high on your own supply, but what if your supply is wisdom? And what if that wisdom is, like, already totally high?” – Toker T. Gopherson

Philosopher’s Stoned


  • Deep thoughts
  • Existential giggles
  • Snack prophecies

Makes you question everything, especially why you can’t find your keys that are in your hand.

4.20 seconds

Quantum Kush Theory


  • Space-time confusion
  • Physics epiphanies
  • Dimensional snacking

You’ll be in multiple states of consciousness simultaneously. Schrödinger’s nap optional.

3.14 seconds

Procrastinator’s Paradise


  • Couch magnetism
  • Tomorrow syndrome
  • Instant relaxation

I’ll finish writing this description later… or maybe tomorrow.
